Monday, September 23, 2013

Create blurred backgrounds with iOS 7 and Xamarin.iOS

UPDATE: This is outdated and broken. Visit my new blog here for an update on how to do this with a binding project I made.
I found this a pretty cool part of the UI in iOS 7, and here is how to do it with Xamarin.iOS.

1. The Code

Setup our UI with a controller for our initial screen, background image, and a button. We haven't added the ApplyBackgroundToButton() method yet, so don't worry. Here is what we have so far:

You can barely see the button in the center, but next we will improve that with a blur. Lets add the ApplyBackgroundToButton() to take care of that. Add this below the FinishedLaunching method. Now the real magic happens in the ApplyLightEffect method, which was originally provided by Apple as an obj-c Category. I have converted that for use within Xamarin.iOS. Warning: Scary Code You can find the original code from Apple here: In order for this method to work, you'll need to add a few extra bits that are not part of Xamarin.iOS. Add these somewhere in your project Because the code requires some pointers and general "unsafe" code, you'll need to add the -unsafe compiler flag to your iOS project for it to build. I bet there is a nicer way to do this, but using the method Apple provided makes for a really close copy of the what they are doing. Here is the final result:

A button with a nicely blurred background of what is underneath. You can download the project here:


  1. Hey! It's great! BUT does not work! when i am using methods with parameter, such as applyBlurWithRadius or applyTintEffectWithColor.

    I get error:
    Objectiv-C exception thrown.
    Name: NSInvalidArgumentException
    Reason: -[UIImage applyTintEffectWithColor]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7bd48ec0

    I get this when run your ImageEffects.Example project. with changes:

    // Apply the blur effect
    //newBGImage = newBGImage.ApplyLightEffect ();
    UIColor tintColor = UIColor.FromWhiteAlpha(0.5f, 0.3f);
    newBGImage = newBGImage.ApplyTintEffectWithColor(tintColor);

  2. Hey!

    Sorry you found this to be not working! I don't manage this blog anymore. I have moved to

    I have a post on my new blog there with a binding project that will do this for you and it works. Take a look:


  3. Reuse existing code: The developer can Use its favorite .NET libraries in Xamarin.Android applications. Easily bind third-party native frameworks and libraries. The Xamarin development Component Store offers tons of third-party libraries packaged
